If you’ve looked into developing a web site, you’ve probably experienced the following scenario. Organizations touting themselves as Web Marketing specialists present you with a budget running into thousands of dollars to develop a Web Marketing effort, and then you find out you are expected to provide all the marketing thinking AND the text for the site. “Where’s the marketing?” in that equation. It’s sort of like getting a brochure with lots of pictures and no text.
We specialize in preparing small and medium-sized business web sites based on sound marketing thinking executed with highly polished writing skills and impactful design. You get an effective site at a reasonable cost with minimum hassle. We can provide this capability due to the high-level marketing and advertising experience our web developer brings to the table. The result is a complete package for your business at a cost close to what many companies charge for graphics alone.
Avoid the headaches of attempting to find someone to write the material for your site or trying to find time to do it yourself. Give us a call, or email us today.
We will be glad to provide you with a no obligation estimate based on the objectives of your web development assignment.